One of the recordings of a summer’s day.
It’s hot outside, but in the recording studio, thanks to the cool air flowing in from the small back mountain, we can concentrate and make a sound.In a sense, it’s a very organic mix unique to monk beat studio where you can hear both the sound of cicadas playing outside and the sound sources played from the speaker inside (yasu)
外は暑いのですが スタジオ内は小さな裏山から流れ入る涼しい空気のお陰で心地よく 集中して音をつくれます 外で鳴く蟬の音と スピーカーから奏でられる音源の両方が聴こえるmonk beat studio ならではの ある意味とても有機的なミックスが出来上がります(yasu)
Aug 27, 2020 | Category:monkbeat